How Do You Choose a Real Estate Agent? - Stanfield Real Estate Call Agent

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By working with a respected real estate agent, you can minimize your home sales issues and ensure you achieve full value for your property within the marketplace. But without real estate experience it’s difficult to know how to move forward in choosing a real estate agent. To help guide you within this complex process, we’re highlighting what you need to know before making your decision, in this latest post.


One mistake many sellers make is they choose only a qualified individual in their local market. This individual might be suited to the role, but without a dynamic team supporting them they cannot offer the full suite of tools required to assure an effective home sale. Working with trusted teams means you’ll always have access to expert guidance at a moment’s notice. It also means you’ll have a full assortment of details on the local marketplace, with the knowledge base spread over a number of people, rather than relying upon one expert.


Marketing is instrumental in the sale of real estate properties. Homes that are not marketed effectively can spend months on the marketplace without attracting interest. When choosing an agent, speak with them about their team’s marketing expertise. Can they offer a commitment to social media marketing and effective content dissemination? Are they adept at attracting interest from the international marketplace? By gaining the answers to these questions, you can ensure the ideal marketing strategy for your home.


Negotiating and communicating effectively with the buyer is a critical element in ensuring value from the home sale. Your agent should be able to negotiate effectively on your behalf and should have proven experience negotiating directly with buyers across all areas of the real estate market. Make sure the agent offers proven examples of their negotiating abilities and ask them how they address the buyer’s concerns in achieving the optimal price-point for the seller.


Before choosing a real estate agent to represent you, it’s important to recognize the clear value that qualified agents can bring to your purchase process. The agent will act as an insurance policy against mistakes made in documentation and in working with all parties in the transaction. They understand the latest legislation concerning real estate transactions and can help protect you against any future legal challenges as a result of the sale. They can also help answer your questions throughout the process so you don’t make any missteps in what can be a complicated transaction for many sellers.

Partner with an experienced, proven real estate agent and ensure you’re positioned effectively for a fast, lucrative property sale. To discover more on the decision-making process, call our experts now at 949.392.5600.